Saturday, November 15, 2014

Got caught reading!

Thank you all for signing the blog permission slips and getting them back to me so quickly! I hope you enjoy getting to see little glimpses of what your child does during the day at school! As most of you know, I use the Daily 5 in my classroom. During Daily 5, the students who are reading to themselves or reading to someone can grab pillows or chairs and get comfortable somewhere in the room and just enjoy reading. I realize that it is not natural for a 6 year old to sit upright in a desk to read all day, so at any given time you will find my students reading comfortably throughout the classroom. The best way to become a better reader is to read, and we do a lot of that in our classroom! The students get to choose which books they want to read and they have been taught how to pick the 'just right' book for them. I asked my classroom aide, Mrs. Joni, to inconspicuously take pictures of students as they read while I work with small groups. Here are some of your kiddos! :)

I will do a 'got caught reading' section every once in a while for you. I just love to see a child reading and I hope you do too!

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