Monday, November 24, 2014


My students made this book for me in their library class this morning! I was so proud of it I just HAD to share!! 

Click HERE to view the book.

I hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving break! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Got caught reading!

Look who got caught reading!

A big thanks to Mrs. Joni for taking these pics for us!

Special events

I wanted to share a few class pictures from some of the special events we've had as a class...
Western Day! 

This was our wear red day during drug-free week. Mrs. Spivey visited our classroom and talked about the importance of staying drug-free and the students got special treats every day this week. 

Halloween!! The top picture is our class and the picture below is the first grade team. Each year, the grade levels come up with a theme for the grade. First grade went as characters from Peter Pan this year (which is why I am wearing a nightgown, I'm Wendy). Your kids looked fabulous! 

Mr. Redfearn came to talk to the first graders about serving our country on Veterans Day. The kids asked him lots of great questions and they all wrote him 'thank you' notes for coming to visit.

On the playground

Last week I took a few pictures of my students on the playground. I think it's neat that these kids choose to play with each other when there are so many other kids to play with. I love our little classroom family! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

3D Shapes

We recently finished up our unit on 2D and 3D shapes. During a 3D shapes lesson, I divided the students into groups and had them make something out of the shapes that I gave them. Here are their fabulous creations!

Almost every week, I like to find fun videos and songs that go along with what we are learning to help the students remember the content a little better. When we were working on our 3D shapes, I made this little video to our 3D shapes song:

Click HERE to watch! 

Turkeys in disguise!

One of my favorite projects for first grade is putting turkeys in disguise before Thanksgiving so they don't get eaten! Parents, thank you for your help at home with these turkeys, I don't think ANY of these will be eaten this Thanksgiving!
Xander's hunter

Oliver's grass turkey

Seth's cowboy

Addison's Elsa

Leland's in camo

Abby's snowman

Emili's clown

Noah's angry bird

Emma's boss lady

Gavin's Phil (from Duck Dynasty)

Amber's angel

Rylie's clown

Brayden's in camo

Chris has a cat in a tree

Samantha's princess

Kymberlyn's policeman

Carter's boy scout

Peyton's bald eagle

Rush has a truck driver

Aren't these so fun?! These will hang in our hall until Thanksgiving and I'll send them home just before our Thanksgiving break. But please, don't eat our turkeys!!