Friday, March 6, 2015

MAP rewards lunch!

The MAP test is a test that the students take three times a year. Before my students took the test in January, I told them that I would have a carpet picnic for all that improve their score at least 10 points per subject (math and reading), or 20 points overall. Well, the results are in and we had 12 students in our classroom that qualified to come to the party! A 20 point jump in just a matter of 3 months is a HUGE accomplishment and that will not go unnoticed. So today was the day we celebrated! I made lunch for these 12 students and we had a carpet picnic in the classroom. It was so fun! I am so proud of all of my students and how far they have come since we started in August. I am planning on doing another lunch in May for those that improve their MAP scores from winter to spring, so those that didn't make it this time still have a chance to make it next time! 

Here are a few pictures from our day! 
The whole group

Chris, Oliver, and Seth

Brayden, Peyton, Gavin, and Samantha

Rylie, Kymberlyn, Amber, Abby, and Emma

Pass the chips!! 

Amber, Emma, and Kymberlyn

Rylie and Abby

Girl pic! 

Of course we had to do a silly pic...

Boy pic!

And the silly pic! :)

I sure do love this kiddos! So thankful to get to be their first grade teacher! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow Day!

Since we're home today on yet, another snow day, I thought I'd post a few pictures of the class playing in the snow last week. We didn't let them stay out very long, but they had a BLAST playing in it while we were out! 

I absolutely loved seeing all of these big smiles out on the playground! This was a rare treat!