Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas party

Well, our first semester of first grade is officially over, but we didn't let it go out without a party! Thank you to everyone that helped out with helping make our party today a success. Here are a few (or a lot) of snapshots from our morning...

Our girls book exchange:

Our boys book exchange:

Party games:

Food and silliness:

I will sure miss my sweet little firsties over the next few weeks. I hope you all enjoy your break! 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Polar Express Day!

We had a great day today celebrating all things Polar Express!! We began our morning writing about what we would want to put in our hot chocolate if we could put anything that we wanted to put. Some said marshmallows, some said chocolate chips, and a few even said they'd put their entire bodies in so they can just swim and drink! After we wrote about hot chocolate, we all enjoyed a glass of it (but just with marshmallows, no swimming allowed)! 

Carter and Emma

Abby, Leland, and Amber

Christopher and Addison

Kaidence, Peyton, Samantha, and Rylie

Oliver and Xander

Rush, Seth, and Gavin

Emili and Noah

We got to spend our day in our pajamas reading about and watching the Polar Express. We ALL loved being in our pajamas at school! We also did a little dreaming about what we would tell Santa we wanted if we were at the North Pole and were told that we would get the first gift of Christmas. Check out your child's paper about what they said they would ask him for! 
Kaidence and Amber

Rylee and Samantha
Christopher and Carter

Addison and Emma
Abby and Amber
Leland and Oliver
Gavin and Xander
Rush and Seth
Emili and Kymberlyn
Noah and Brayden with their matching slippers! 

Such a fun day! 

Don't forget that our Christmas party will be this Friday at 10:00 am. Students will be allowed to leave after the party, and school will dismiss at 2:15 that afternoon. Make sure they bring their wrapped book for our book exchange by Friday morning! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Smile, Mike!

This week, our reading story is a play called Smile, Mike. Since it is written as a play with different parts, I assigned each student a role. I did have 3 students absent today, so some students were not able to participate in our play today. There were 8 parts to the play, so I recorded the play twice with 2 different groups doing the same play. Remember, the first time the students heard this story was just 2 days ago, so it's definitely not perfect, but they had a great time acting it out and they all know this story very well now! 

If your child was in Group B, you will see them in this video.

If your child was in Group A, you will see them here. 

Some of you have some little actors on your hands! Hope you enjoyed their performances!